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What to do in Charleston this weekend?

Charleston is the oldest and largest city in South Carolina. It received many accolades including "America's Most Friendly and “the most polite and hospitable city in America". All of that makes it one of the beautiful cities in the world. It is frequented by people from all over the world.
Charleston has many places to visit and many activities to do at the weekend such as Charleston aquarium, restaurants, Charleston music hall, Charleston city market, plantations, Theatre 99. So next, I will give you some good examples of the places and activities which I just have mentioned.  

First: Charleston aquarium

Its located in Charleston South Carolina, opened on 19/3/2000. Contains more than 10000 plants and animals of different species such as jellyfish,  loggerhead sea turtles, puffer fish, sharks, alligators, green moray eels, North American river otters, loggerhead sea turtles, great blue herons, lined seahorses, and more.
The aquarium which extended to 61 m into the Charleston Harbor provides an art environmental learning center; because of it has 9 galleries featuring 6,000 to 7,000 aquatic animals from loggerhead turtles, sharks, and river otters. 
the Great Ocean Tank is the largest exhibit in the aquarium extends from the first to the third floor of the Aquarium, its capacity more than 385,000 gallons of water. Also, there is a Touch Tank makes you touch horseshoe crabs, Atlantic stingrays, and other marine animals.

Second: restaurants

Charleston has many luxury restaurants with a nice overlook:

1-    Wild Olive

this restaurant is located on Johns Island in a farming community which offers delicious Italian food. So, the Italian culture strongly appears in how the stuff transforms their traditional food into the best Italian dishes.
They produce a seasonal menu, here are some examples of their food >> House cured salumi, Tagliatelle alla, Suppli al telefono risotto fritters, Calamaretti, Chicken parmesan, Brussels sprouts.

2-    Charleston Grill

its located in Belmond Charleston Place characterized by a mix of contemporary ambience. The restaurant design is charming so when you set down you will see a glass roof above and a huge swimming pool. Also a mix between the taste of  Southern cuisine and live jazz that will make you feel free.  
Don't miss to try the most famous plates when you become there like Norwegian ocean trout with caponata, freekeh, the scallops with chili-chorizo vinaigrette, and blood orange.

3-    Roadside Seafood

It is famous for offering delicious seafood since 2012. At the beginning, they start as a mobile food kitchen but they became famous quickly so their restaurant opened in 2014 at the first time. The design is inspired by the nature of the sea so that the decor is beachy with Folly Road.
They present the Southern food like fried oysters, the crispy bites of shark, Crabcake Bites, and Gator Tail.  

Third: Charleston music hall

It's location in the center of Historic Downtown Charleston in the Upper King Street area. Charleston music hall has all kinds of music where displays the exceptional music, extraordinary artistic, and theatrical experiences.
Also, The building is surrounded by two award-winning hotels and three nationally acclaimed restaurants. In addition to, there are museums, three public parking garages, and shopping destinations. all of that, make it the perfect place for setting any event.

Fourth: Charleston city market

Charleston city market considered one of the oldest public markets in Charleston. The market is a gathering place for more than 300 local entrepreneurs whose display their wares, ranging from arts and crafts, collectibles and antiques to jewelry, clothing and artisanal fare.
The night market open from Thursday to Sunday, many local products are displayed in the market; for instance: body products, handmade clothing, sculptures, and fine art, also, a variety of food and beverage stalls. So, this is a great place to visit with kids.

Fifth: plantations  

1-    Magnolia

Founded in 1676 by the Drayton family and considered one of the oldest public gardens in the south. It owned by the same family for more than three centuries so that there are thousands of stunning flowers which became existing because of the high sense of Beauty for families. It opened to the public in 1870 with a classic touch and pretty views. Therefore, it attracted tourists from all over the world to watch the heaven on the earth.
Magnolia Plantation has a great diverse variety of azaleas and camellias of flowers from camellias, daffodils, to azaleas and countless other species.
It is important to note that there are two houses destroyed during the civil war; at the current time, there is a main house that furnished with beautiful antique wood, dates back to 1873.

2-    Middleton Place

Middleton Place is an old plantation in the country and considered as a National Historic Landmark. Middleton place is the best place to spend the weekend with your family in the center of its Camellias in winter vibrant Azaleas in spring, and Magnolias, Crepe Myrtles and roses in summer.
This plantation is owned and operated by the Middleton Place Foundation since 1974. The gardens created in 1741 by Henry Middleton. He designed it in a charming way reflecting the classic European and England style into the 18th century.
The trees and shrubs planted on the sides of the walkways inside the gardens trimmed to appear as green walls. Also, there are small galleries, green arbors, and bowling greens.

3-    Boone Hall Plantation

Boone Hall Plantation is one of the oldest plantation in the south which is set on 783 acres. Boone Hall Plantation was founded by Englishman Major John Boone when came to Charleston in 1681.
Bone Hall is opened to the public since 1956. After that, then it became a filming location for many movies, documentaries, and TV series using its historic buildings and old slave cabins.
Also, there is guided tour organized by Boone Hall itself of the elegant house,  a carriage tour of the grounds, and self-guided tours through the slave quarters and the extensive gardens.

Sixth: Theatre 99

Theatre 99 is located in downtown Charleston at 280 Meeting Street. They perform annual festivals which display top comedic talent on three nights of the week and other special events.
At the same pace, they displayed an amazing collection of sketch, standup comedy, music shows, and cabaret. Also, they perform festivals around the country all over the year.


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