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Top 10 attractions in Dubai you should visit

Some important information about Dubai:

Dubai is one of the most famous tourist cities in the Arab world. That makes it a destination for many tourists in the world due to its many attractions. Below, I will give you a brief overview of the best places to visit in Dubai and its popular monuments.
Population: it has 2,262,000 people and considered the second largest emirate after Abu Dhabi. There are two different types of population in Dubai (the original citizen and foreign). the number of the original citizen is just 214,000 and the other number foreign with 90% percent.
Location: its located on the eastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula in the southwestern corner of Arabian Gulf and the Northern Emirates. With an area of 1,114 km² which is equivalent to approximately 5% of the area of the UAE.

Tourism in Dubai

It considered the hub of tourism in the Arab world because it has many touristic monuments and fantastic places. Therefore, it attracts tourists from all over the world. The number of tourists has increased by 10% in the first half of 2017 compared to 2016 which has 14.9 million tourists.
The Indians occupy the first place in the number of visitors to Dubai and have increased by 20% compared to 2016, followed by Saudi Arabia with a 3% decline compared to 2016 and UK comes in third place with a 2% increase, then, in fourth place Oman.

Dubai has some marvelous and unique monuments. below, I will review the most 10 famous monuments in Dubai that you must visit … enjoy reading.

1-    Khalifa Tower:

It one of the most important touristic monuments in Dubai. As it is clear that, Khalifa Tower is the tallest skyscraper in the world with a high more than 800m on an area 526,750 m². It was inaugurated on 4/1/2010 and cost about $ 1.5 million.
It features spectacular views of the sea and artificial islands and there are deluxe restaurants. Also,  it includes Atmosphere Restaurant located on the 122nd floor. Also, amazing hotel rooms.
It has a large balcony for the public you can see all Dubai through it. Also, has a large mosque and swimming pool.
In front of the tower, there is a tower garden which covers an area of 11000 m² and overlooks the Dubai Fountain. So, you can enjoy either alone or with your family, not only for its spectacular scenery but also, their daily concerts.

2-    Dubai fountain

It is one of the most beautiful places in Dubai with spectacular sights designed by Wet Design in California and is located between Khalifa Tower and Dubai Mall.
This fountain considers the largest panoramic fountain in the world on an of 30 acres with a capacity 22000 gallons and designed using the largest system of fountains in the world which pump the water to reach a height of 150m in a magical way.

3-    Opera Dubai:

Don't miss the chance to visit opera Dubai, this fantastic place designed as a sailboat and wooden fishing boats. It was built on area 3 million feet and accommodating at least 2000 people.
It has great flexibility in its walls that are folding! To change its shape constantly. It divided into a reception hall, an indoor and outdoor theater, ballet halls and folklore parties. Also, there are deluxe restaurants. So, you can enjoy the most beautiful evenings.

4-    Tower of the Arabs

If you asked yourself about what are beautiful places in Dubai?
The answer will be Tower of the Arabs because of the following reasons;
Its located on an Artificial Island 100m away from the beach.
It designed in an innovative way as a composite sail reaches to 321m. Thus, it considered one of the tallest hotels in the world after the Empire State Building in New York City with a height of 60 meters only.
Inside this wonderful tower, there are some extraordinary restaurants. for instance, an underwater restaurant in the aquarium that you can reach by submarine.

Also, you will find the most important spa club in the 18th. This spa has so many activities such as massage, fitness rooms and Jacuzzi.

5-    Palm Jumeirah

It's  a common touristic monument in Dubai
It occupies one of the three largest artificial islands in the world.
It has multiple hotels, resorts, and residential areas.
The palm consists of three parts trunk, crown, and branches and surrounded by a semi-circular barrier.
This barrier contains 7 hotels and resorts. The branches contain residential areas and villas.

6-     Dubai mall

Opened in 2008, in fact, is considered the largest commercial complex in the world whence, its total area and the 6th largest mall commercial complex whence, its total rental area.
It's located behind Khalifa Tower. This mall has 1200 stores, 150 restaurants, and 635 retail stores. So, Dubai Mall is a place among many places you must visit in Dubai  

7-    Dubai Desert Reserve

It was founded in 2002 and opened in 2004 on an area 225 km² and is 50 miles from the city. It was specially designed for rare endangered animals. Thus, large amounts have been spent on all animals and their appropriate habitat.

8-    Dubai Aquarium

It's located in the downstairs of Dubai Mall with a capacity 10 million liters and contains 33000 of marine organism, 400 sharks and 140 type of marine organism.
There is a tunnel underwater with a distance 48m that lets you see fish swim around you at an angle of  270°, also, there is an aquatic organism
such as ( jellyfish, Crab, penguins, crocodiles and more and more). There is a specialized part for diving lovers with small fishes.

4-    Dolphins Bay in Dubai

This bay is located at Atlantis hotel in Palm Jumeirah, which is considered one of the most suitable places that let you swim with Dolphins.
There is a group consisting of 6 dolphins for swimming either in shallow water for children or in depths water for diving lovers and take photo souvenirs.  

5-    Dubai Gold Market

It was founded in 1949 with just a few Retailers and businessmen. Address: Al Sabkha Street, Deira District, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
It contains 300 separated store which contains all gold color (yellow, white, and pink), also, diamond, platinum, and silver.
The thing that distinguishes that market is there many traders that will increase the competition between them, thus, will lead to cheaper prices compared to Europe and America. Also, the discussion on price is a big reason for reducing prices.  
The strongest reason that will make you buy from this special the market is the quality of the goods where the continuous monitoring of it, in contrast to the goods on the roads and sidewalks outside the market.
After you have the knowledge about the famous touristic monuments in Dubai, now, you can travel with simple procedures by applying Dubai e-visa. Tayba tourism (travel agency services) provides an e-Visa service at the lowest prices and with the least effort.


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