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How to lose weight a week before wedding

Do you want to be a princess at your wedding? Here we give you some steps to follow for losing weight.
The steps are simple, these steps about How to lose weight before wedding in just one week.
It seems excited, right? 😉
Also, we will clarify your food routine all over the day this week.

So, what should you eat in general?

There are some basics of losing weight, you should know, these basics are
1.       Drink a cup of lemonade when waking up, this helps in detoxification and fat burning
2.       Refrain from sweets and fried foods which make your skin less freshness.
3.       Eat the least amount of carbohydrates.
4.       Drink 2 liters of water over the day because it helps in:
·         Get rid of fatigue & exhaustion.
·         Detoxification.
·         Losing weight by giving us a feeling of saturation.
·         Protecting your skin freshness
5.       Walk about 45 minutes or an hour every day.
6.       Don’t drink tea or coffee at night to sleep well, just drink it without sugar in the afternoon.
7.       An hour after lunch you can eat a small piece of chocolate if you want.

How to lose weight a week before wedding

Now, we will clarify what you should eat for breakfast, snacks, lunch, and dinner.

First: Breakfast

1-      4 tablespoons of skimmed cheese and a dish of green salad.
2-      2 oranges.
3-      An apple and fat-free yogurt.

Second: snacks

After 2 hours of breakfast, you should take a snack such:
1-      A cup of orange juice free of sugar.
2-      A cup of carrot juice free of sugar.
3-      A dish of green salad

Third: lunch

After 2 hours of eating snacks, you have some choices like:

1-      A quarter of a boiled or roasted chicken with a green salad.
2-      A steak of roasted meat with a green salad.
3-      White beans with pieces of chicken.
4-      Grilled fish.
5-      Tuna salad.
6-      2 steaks of the roasted liver with a dish of green salad.
7-      7- A big dish of fruit salad.

Fourth: snacks

After 2 hours of having launch take a snack (we have already referred to some choices above)

Fifthly: after 2 or 3 hours it’s time to have dinner.

Just eat yogurt over the week because it helps in fat burning, detoxification, and makes your skin freshness
At last, be princess each day of your life. This article will give you real benefit not just for your weight loss but for your health too. Benefit from the examples of the healthy food I have mentioned above. Don’t be hesitant to ask any question, waiting for your comments.


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