Do you want to have a slim body with a slim waist?
There are some delicious smoothies that help in losing weight such as mango smoothie, banana smoothie, Blueberry Smoothie, Chocolate Raspberry Smoothie and ….. Etc
In this article, I will show you the benefit of mango smoothie for weight loss and its recipes, and then I will provide nutritional benefits and studies about mango, in the end, I will conclude by mentioning mango benefits, enjoy reading.
Mango smoothie benefits for weight loss:
Mango smoothie benefits for weight loss:
Mango smoothie is nutritious because it is rich in folate, antioxidant content, vitamins A, B6, C and other nutrients that are essential for weight loss by filling you up.
This smoothie can be as a breakfast alternative. Also, mango smoothie has many fibers that help in organize the digestion process and help to burn more calories.
2- Mango smoothie recipes:
- 1\4 cup mango cubes
- 1\2 cup mango juice
- 1\4 cup mashed avocado
- 1\4 cup fat-free vanilla yogurt
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 6 ice cubes
Note: avocado contains healthy fats which are oleic acid, this acid has been linked to reducing inflammation and has been shown to have beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer.
Mix all ingredients in a blender then pour into a glass then add lemon juice and stir
3- Nutrition facts
- 298 calories
- 55 grams carbs
- 54 grams of sodium
- 47 grams of sugar
- 9 grams of fat
- 5 grams of protein
- 5 grams of fiber
- 1 ½ grams of saturated fat
4- An important study about mango:
A study from Queensland University referred to that mango peel helps in losing weight because it prevents the formation of a greasy cell also Dr ” Mohammed Oz” confirmed on the African mango has the ability not just in reduce fats but there are other benefits for instance [improve metabolism, reduce cholesterol in blood]
5- All mango benefits:
Now I will tell you some other important benefits of mango you should know.
1. It protects from cancer because it contains antioxidant content.
2. It makes your skin freshness by drinking it or using it as a mask by using mango peel.
3. It reduces cholesterol in blood because it riches in vitamin c with pectin, fiber & potassium.
4. It organizes the digestion process because it contains enzymes that work on fat fragmentation.
5. It strengthens your memory because it riches in Acid Glutamine.
6. It strengthens your immunity because it riches in vitamin A, c & 25g of carotenoids.
7. It strengthens your sight because it riches in vitamin A.
After a while from having this smoothie, I sure you will have a magnificent result with high self-confidence. If you have any question ask me, if you like the article share it.
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